Climatic 501

Control panels automatically step in and step out according to temperatures on coop fans. As output there are 5 fans, 1 heater, 1 pad, 1 alarm, 4 sensors and 1 expansion module.


Climatic 501 is a heat control device which perceives theheat through its sensors and evaluates this heat according to the givenparameters and makes necessary controls. By the help of the software in thedevice the temperature of the environment where sensors are located can be keptat the demanded level.

 Inputs and Outputs:

  •  4 sensor inputs
  •  1 humidty sensorinput
  •  1 data input forcomputer
  •  1 cooling pad relayoutput
  •  1 heating (radiant)relay output
  •  5 fan relay outputs
  •  1 alarm relay output


Climatik 501 displays momentary situation of the device andall the arrangements done by you on 2x16 characters LCD monitor in Turkish andin English. Parameters are entered through the keyboard which is below thedisplay. 8 leds which are located on the right side of the device shows themomentary condition of the activated heater, cooler, fan and alarm relayoutputs. 

The monitor displays the average temperature when you do nottouch the keypad buttons.. 

When a given parameter is got over and it is alarming themonitor displays the reason of that alarm such as : High Temperature, LowTemperature, Sensor Shortcut, No Sensor... The buttons on the keypad havevisual features. When they are pushed the function of that button is displayedon the monitor.