BYM02-0202 Broyler Feeder Pan
ALFAN brand feeders are used for automatic feeding ofpoultry.
All pieces and bodies are made of high quality plasticmaterial and there are no sharp sides and corners which harm animals. Feedersare designed for achieving optimum growing rates, ease of access to the feed,ease of mounting and demounting and minimum feed waste. As the food becomeslass in the pan food goes down to the feeder pan automatically from the foodtank. 1 feeder pan is used for 65-70 chiks.
ALFAN plastic pan drinkers are used in the automaticaldrinking systems. The water in the tank goes automatically to the drinker pansby the decraese of water in it.
ALFAN nipple drinker; produced by stainless steel and ball.Works the 360°. Easily connectable to square pipes via screw. The waterproductivity: 50-60 ml/min.
ALFAN hanger drip cup has been manufactured by the specialcombined polyproplen item. It has been designed based on 21,3 mm carrierprofile and 22 x 22 mm square pipe. The unit also combined with an unbreakablesingle armed 70mm drip cup. Thanks to the stylish desing, the chickens are ableto reach very easy to each nipples.