760 Cone Fan Type
- In all closed areas having ventilation problems.
- For ventilating and cooling of poultry farms.
- For ventilating and cooling of poultry farms.
- For ventilating and cooling green houses
- For clearing away the gas, smoke, dust, odour, etc. in factries, workshops and similar places.
FAN MODEL | Weight (kg) | Blades Material | Motor Power (HP) | AIR FLOW m3 / h-PA | ||||||||
Product No | Product Code (Old) | Product Code (New) | Blades Diameter | 0 PA | 10 PA | 20 PA | 30 PA | 40 PA | 50 PA | |||
29 | FG2S3-D | FG2S05-03 | 30" | 60 | Stainless Steel Iron | 0.5 | 17300 | 15900 | 15000 | 12850 | 10100 | 7020 |
30 | FG2G3-D | FG2G05-03 | 30" | 60 | Galvanized | 0.5 | 17300 | 15900 | 15000 | 12850 | 10100 | 7020 |
ALFAN produces the following types of high capacity fans: 560(22’’), 660 (26’’), 760 (30’’), and 1270 (50’’).
Beside the fans, shutters and blades are also produced due torequest of customer.
Fan shutters can easily be assembled and disassembled.Therefore the shutters are mobie and it is convenient to clean inside the fan.
All ALFAN cooling ventilation fan bodies are produced fromgalvanized steel sheet. For the blades ALFAN offers three types such as;special aluminum alloy, stainless steel and galvanized steel sheet. All bladetypes have special curvature for obtaining high efficiency and strength.
- Aluminum Blades: These blades are produced from specialaluminum alloy and have 2 mm. thickness.
- Stainless Steel SheetBlades: These blades are produced from either 304 quality or 403 qualitystainless steel sheet and have 1 mm. thickness.
- Galvanized Steel Sheet Blades: These blades are produced fromgalvanized steel sheet and have 1 mm. thickness.
Opening System of Fan Shutters
There are three types of shutter opening system:
- Shutters open bycentrifugal force which is convertes to direct mechanical force by therevolution of blades.
- The shutters arebalanced by extraweights assembled to the shutters. Centrifugal force iscreated by the revolution of blades and shutters open by this centrifugal forceand close by the help of extra weight.
- The shutters areoperated by air pressure or air suction system. Fans which are assembled withthis system are very convenient and since the shutters are mobile to cleaninside the fan is easy.
Operating system of The Fans
It works by a motor-belt-pulley system adn operates silently.The pulley is made from cast aluminum and bearing used on the blade side has anextraordinary design to extend the operating life of the fan.
The circle frame is made of galvanized steel sheet. Theshutters stay open during the operation of the fan and close when the fanceases.
The protection grill (wire mesh) is at the back of the fansand made from special wire. The fan is mounted to the wall by fixing the screwson the external frame of the fan.
Belt Tightening System
The belt of axial fan which works by the “motor-belt-pulley”system can become loose in course of time. To only way to prevent such a looseis to equip a tightening instrument. This way the capacity of the fan will notreduce and the belt will not wear out.
To arrange necessary tightness in axial fans with the help ofpresent technologies requires axtra time and labour. But with the help of “belttightening system” which is developed by ALFAN takes only 10-15 seconds toarrange the tightness of the belt of the ventilator with using butterfly nutand bolt which are located near the instrument.
The working principle of “alfan” belt tightening system is:tightening instrument moves the nut in the axial direction. This way the beltgets the necessary tightness.
Ventilation Fans
- 1270 (50") TypeVentilation Fans
- 760 (30") TypeVentilation Fans
- 660 (26") TypeVentilation Fans
- 560 (22") TypeVentilation Fans